An asbestos compensation claim is when you seek compensation for the personal injury caused by your exposure to asbestos. If you are exposed to asbestos and suffer ill health, you may have an asbestos personal injury compensation claim. 

Exposure to asbestos can cause asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung disease and other forms of cancer. Asbestos can have a significant impact on your life or that of a family member’s life. 

You could suffer the effects of exposure to Asbestos in a workplace accident many years after the event, and you may have a claim for compensation. 

A workplace injury claim is when you make a compensation claim against an employer who has caused you injury in a breach of their duty of care to you. 

At Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors, we have the experience in making a workplace accident claim. We can help when you contract one of the many diseases associated with asbestos exposure in an accident that was not wholly your fault. 

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors in Dublin can make your asbestos compensation claim if you are injured in the workplace.

What is an asbestos compensation claim?

An asbestos compensation claim is the legal process you follow for the personal injury you suffer due to asbestos exposure, usually through your work. 

You can also be exposed to asbestos fibres if you live near where it is in the air or if you are in regular close contact with someone who works with asbestos. 

Asbestos is a dangerous substance and is the cause of many cancers and lung diseases. Your employer has a duty of care to you when working with asbestos, and if they breach that duty of care, you could have an asbestos compensation claim. The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act outlines an Irish employer’s responsibilities to employees, including working with dangerous materials such as asbestos. 

A personal injury solicitor can help when you may have an asbestos compensation claim. They will know how to handle a claim and advise you on what to do when you develop a workplace injury like asbestosis. 

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors have a team of experienced professionals who can help with your asbestosis injury claim.

What is Asbestosis?

Asbestosis is a medical condition caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres. The tiny asbestos fibres are strong and both chemical and heat-resistant, and they can build up in the lungs over time. 

Asbestos can be found in many different areas, from the local school built in the 1960s to many demolition sites and even on the roof of your home. 

Asbestos can be found in:  

  • Ceiling insulation
  • Household appliances
  • Old furniture
  • Building materials
  • Roof tiles
  • Shipbuilding material
  • Vinyl flooring
  • Textured paints
  • Pipe insulation

You might develop asbestosis if exposed to it when demolishing an older building, through your work with asbestos many years ago or if your partner worked in premises exposed to the material. 

If you develop one of the many symptoms of asbestosis, you may have an asbestos compensation claim.

Contact Hughes & Associates for help with your Asbestos Compensation Claim

What are the symptoms of asbestosis?

The symptoms of asbestosis range from a constant cough to shortness of breath. Unfortunately, you may not develop symptoms of asbestosis until many years later, sometimes up to 15 years later, when the disease is well established. 

You should immediately seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of the signs of asbestosis.  

Symptoms of Asbestosis can be:  

  • Chest pain
  • Chest tightness
  • Fatigue
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Clubbing (wider and rounder fingertips and toes)

The effects of asbestosis can lead to lung failure, heart failure or even death.

If you or a loved one has asbestosis, you could have an asbestos compensation claim.

Common asbestos compensation claims

Common asbestos compensation claims range from asbestos in the workplace to asbestosis and fatal cancer due to exposure to asbestos. You can make a compensation claim if you are suffering one of the many symptoms and they are related to asbestos. 

Asbestos compensation can help with the effects of the many diseases associated with asbestos on your life today and in the future. 

Some common asbestos compensation claims are:  

  • Work-related asbestosis claims
  • Death of a family member from exposure to asbestos claims
  • Heart disease asbestos claims
  • Mesothelioma asbestos claims
  • Lung failure asbestos claims

Work-related asbestosis claims

Work-related asbestosis claims are when you experience the symptoms of asbestosis due to exposure to it in the workplace. 

Symptoms such as shortness of breath and reduced lung function are associated with asbestosis. 

You may develop asbestosis from working:

  • In the construction industry
  • Demolishing old buildings with asbestos in the roof, walls, and floors
  • With insulation materials such as ceiling lagging

You may be able to make a workplace injury compensation claim if you have the symptoms of work-related asbestosis.

Death of a family member from exposure to asbestos claims

The death of a family member from exposure to asbestos can be a traumatic event and may happen many years after they were working with asbestos. 

Asbestos-related cancer can take years to develop, often when treatment is not an option. 

A family member may have been exposed to asbestos:

  • When working in shipbuilding
  • When working in the building supply industry
  • When insulating older houses in the 1980s

You may still be able to make a compensation claim for asbestos exposure after a loved one passes away or if they are unable to make the claim through illness. 

At Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors, we understand the trauma associated with losing a loved one and can help with the asbestos compensation claim.

Heart disease asbestos claims

Heart disease asbestos claims are for when you suffer complications to the heart due to the effects of asbestos on the body. 

Asbestos fibres line the lungs and cause difficulty in breathing, which may quickly lead to heart failure. 

You can also suffer heart disease from prolonged exposure to high levels of asbestos, and people in construction and demolition can be in particular danger. 

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors in Dublin can make your asbestos compensation claim for any heart disease you may contract due to asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma asbestos claims

Mesothelioma asbestos claims are when you develop cancer of the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of cells lining your organs, chest, and abdomen.  

Mesothelioma is a very harsh illness that can be caused by exposure to asbestos. 

You can contract mesothelioma from:

  • Working with insulation materials
  • Working in buildings with a high level of asbestos fibres in the air
  • Living with a loved one who works, or worked, with asbestos

If you or a loved one has developed mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos, you may have a personal injury compensation claim.  

Lung failure asbestos claims

Lung failure asbestos claims are for the effects of asbestos exposure on the lungs, such as breathing in the fibres through work or possibly living with someone who comes home with it on their clothes. 

Workplace lung failure due to asbestos can happen:

  • When working with asbestos insulation
  • When working on an older building
  • When demolishing an older building with asbestos roof tiles

If you experience lung failure due to inhaling the harmful fibres in asbestos, you can make an asbestos compensation claim.

Asbestos can cause many illnesses, and people affected can suffer the effects of asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma for life. 

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors can look at your medical details to see if you have a valid asbestos compensation claim.

Compensation for asbestos claims

Compensation for asbestos claims may be for when you contract asbestosis, heart disease, lung cancer and mesothelioma through exposure to the harmful fibres of asbestos. 

You may be exposed in the workplace, through working with asbestos or by living with someone who works regularly in a workplace exposed to asbestos. 

The compensation is for the damages suffered today and in the future. You can make an asbestos claim for the workplace injury and its effects on your life. 

There are two types of damages in an asbestos claim in Ireland:

General damages in an asbestos claim will see you compensated for the Loss of Amenity due to the disease contracted through the exposure to asbestos through your work. 

You may suffer a loss of amenity, such as difficulty walking, exercising, or getting to work. 

You can also claim for the Pain and Suffering due to the injury you suffered in the workplace accident.

Special damages in an asbestos claim are for the costs and expenses you will have due to exposure to asbestos when working with insulation, demolishing an old building with asbestos in the roof tiles or manufacturing materials containing asbestos. 

Special damages in an asbestos claim could be:  

  •          Medical costs
  •          Loss of earnings
  •          Travel costs 
  •          Cost of care
  •          Cost of aids and equipment  

An asbestos claim in Ireland seeks compensation by combining the two damages due to you when you suffer one of the many types of disease associated with asbestos exposure.

A successful claim could see you receive compensation. The compensation you receive will be a combination of the two types of damages.  

Asbestos workplace accident claims

Asbestos workplace accident claims in Ireland are for when you contract asbestosis, mesothelioma, cancer and heart disease in the Irish workplace. 

It is the duty of care of your employer to keep you safe at all times whilst you are in the workplace. Asbestos exposure could be a breach of that duty of care, and you could have a workplace compensation claim. 

You could be exposed at work through improperly installed insulation, poor storage of certain materials or substances, when working in an old building or in a company that manufactures products containing asbestos.  

If you have been exposed to asbestos due to negligence by your employer, you may be able to make a workplace accident claim.  

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors have the team in place to handle your asbestos workplace accident claim for compensation.

Can you lose your job by making a workplace injury claim?

No, you cannot lose your job by making a workplace injury claim against your employer in Ireland. 

The workplace security legislation in Ireland protects employees from unfair dismissal, and you cannot be sacked for making a personal injury claim. 

Your employer is also not permitted to treat you any less favourably or provide a bad working atmosphere for you. They cannot overlook you for promotion or give you a job below your level of experience and training just because you made an asbestos compensation claim. 

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors can help make your workplace injury claim and can advise you on all aspects of employee protection legislation in Ireland.

Asbestos public accident claims

Asbestos public accident claims are for when you may be exposed to asbestos in a business, public area, school, hospital, or hotel.  

The exposure to asbestos in a public place can cause severe illness, and you may suffer the effects for life. 

A public accident claim is when you seek compensation from the property owner when you have endured an injury or accident in their public space. 

At Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors we have the experience in public space accident claims and in asbestos claims to handle your personal injury claim for compensation.

How to make a claim for personal injury

At Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors, we want to make a personal injury claim as easy as possible. 

Asbestos exposure can cause illness, stress, and death in many cases. If you have been exposed to asbestos in a workplace accident, then we can help you take the steps to make a successful compensation claim. 

The steps are designed to provide an efficient and effective way to make a claim for asbestos compensation.

The first step to making a claim is to contact a personal injury solicitor. You can contact Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors today and outline the issues you have experienced.  

It may be difficult for you to take an asbestos compensation case against an employer or someone you have worked for over many years. 

We will take the time to understand your situation and build a professional relationship with you.  

You and your solicitor work together to create your compensation case.  

One of the main aspects of this step is to gather evidence. We will want to look at your medical records, workplace health and safety records, and any other accounts related to your case.  

The solicitor helping you with the case will know what areas of evidence to cover and what will help your case.  

When the claim is complete, we can make your asbestos claim by sending a letter of claim to the Personal Injury Assessment Board, PIAB. 

The PIAB will assess your case and recommend a compensation payment, or they may reject your case. 

The solicitor or insurance company for the guilty party has several weeks to reply to the PIAB compensation claim recommendation. 

When a PIAB is accepted at this stage, the process of providing your compensation will begin.  

When an asbestos claim is rejected, or if you are not happy with the amount of compensation offered, we can begin court proceedings on your behalf.

Court proceedings can be the next step if the defendant rejects the claim or you feel you should receive more in compensation. 

Court proceedings are rare, although your Hughes & Associates solicitor will be prepared. We may look to gather further evidence to support your claim when it comes to a court hearing.  

Often, an asbestos claim is settled on the morning of the court case when the guilty party realises you are not backing down and they look at your evidence. 

When the court case is successful, the process of paying compensation for an asbestos injury claim will follow.  

Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors will be with you from day one, and we can be your guide towards making a successful asbestos claim for compensation.

Make an asbestos personal injury claim today

Make an asbestos personal injury claim today by contacting Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors in Dublin. 

You could have a compensation claim if you were exposed to asbestos in a workplace accident due to a breach of duty of care by an employer.  

The asbestosis, the lung cancer, the heart disease, the mesothelioma and other diseases associated with asbestos will affect you for life, and you may have an asbestos compensation claim.

Contact Hughes & Associates Personal Injury Solicitors today for a confidential and professional service with your asbestos compensation claim.

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